For inquiries and questions regarding products, please call the following representative phone numbers. The receptionist will ask you about your requirements and the person in charge will contact you. Please be careful not to make a mistake in the phone number when making inquiries.
For inquiries by fax, please fax 0478-54-6127. We check the fax from time to time, but it may not have arrived for some reason. If you do not receive a reply or reply within 3 business days, we would appreciate it if you could send it again or contact us by phone.

TEL 0478-52-5111

FAX 0478-54-6127

※Monday to Friday 9:00 to 17:00 Closed on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays



If you would like to send from the email, please use the form below. After confirming the contents, the person in charge will contact you.
We check the email from time to time, but it may not have arrived for some reason. If you do not receive a reply or reply within 3 business days, we would appreciate it if you could send it again or contact us by phone.